Time capsule immured

In the afternoon of June 7, 2019, a time capsule was immured in the foundation of the entrance staircase of the master’s house of Fircks-Pedvale Manor.

A message was placed in the capsule about the past of Pedvale and a wish for the future – for the prospective International Artist Residency, signed by representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Talsi Municipality, the Association Pedvāle, as well as the designers and builders.

Along with the message also the edition of the local newspaper “Talsu vēstis” of that day, the banknotes of Latvian lats and euros, and a stone from the soil of Pedvale, to which all those present had forwarded their wishes and messages, were placed.

Let these steps, in the foundations of which the time capsule is immured, bring into the house that has served the lives of different people for centuries and is born again to serve the arts and culture in the future.