An International Project with Montenegro has Started

The association “Pedvāle” in together with the director Mirjana Medojević, who is staging a show “Tobelija” at the Royal Theater of Montenegro “Zetski dom” in Cetinje in October, has started an international project “BB” (the Baltics – the Balkans), within which the Latvian stone seed will be planted in Montenegro.

On 18 September, the artist Ojārs Feldbergs went to Jūrkalne, where, together with the ethnographic ensemble “Maģie Suiti” (“The Little Suits”) of the Jūrkalne Folk House, the stone seed necessary for planting was found.

The project will continue on 10 October, when those interested from Latvia will have the opportunity to deliver messages to the stone seed, which will be planted on the Adriatic coast on 27 October, together with the actors of the Royal Theater  of Montenegro “Zetski dom” and the Drama Studio “Prazan prostor”.