Roof renovation work has been started

In May 2020, a fire broke out in the former grain dryer of Fircks-Pedvāle Manor, which has been the home of Pedvāle pub “Dāre” for many years. As a result of fire, the roof was damaged, and water used to extinguish the fire spoiled the interior of the building.

At the end of 2020, thanks to the National Cultural Heritage Board and donors in Latvia and abroad, the roof of the building was partially restored and partly preserved. Construction works were performed by the company “Klints būve” Ltd, the construction supervision was done by “Vīgantes” Ltd. and the author supervision by “Darbnīca A Projekti” Ltd. In 2021, the Association “Pedvāle” hopes to continue the started construction works.

In turn, using the roof shingles dismantled from the roof that suffered from the fire, the artist Ojārs Feldbergs created an installation in the renovated Fircks-Pedvāle Manor house.

Association “Pedvāle” extends thanks to all the supporters and donors!